Serving as a staff member on our AllSafe team for 15 years now, Wilson Maluleke’s one of the faces you’ll see watching over an area of our church property. With his robust posture, his strong yet gentle spirit and a warm fatherly heart, Wilson has a way of making you feel safe around him.
Last year, in October, Wilson’s supervisor, Creston Mascini, received an SMS from a very grateful lady. She shared how incredibly kind Wilson had been to her after receiving shocking news and how he’d offered her water and assisted her.
When approached about what happened, Wilson humbly stated that he was just doing his job; in his own words, “as we’re all supposed to: serving with our hearts and showing Christ’s love to each other.”
Wilson recalls, “It happened one day when I was on duty, and I saw this lady, who was stuck crying. So, I asked her what the problem was. And she said that her friend was in bad condition in the hospital and it was not easy for her. So what I did was I tried to find some water for her…”
He went on to add, “I had seen the lady before, dropping off children. So, on the day she was not okay, I felt that I had to do something. The lady and I have since kept in touch and actually become good friends, in fact, family since that day.”
Wilson feels strongly about our family values as a church community, “We are family, brothers and sisters, and we have to be able to cry to each other, pray to each other and comfort each other.”
Wilson is reminded of Moses. When God asked Moses what he had in his hand, he said he had nothing but a staff (rod), but God used that same staff to part the sea and save Moses and the Israelites (Exodus 14: 19-31).
Wilson then recalls how he used to say that he had nothing in his hands until one of our pastors, William Julius, invited him on an outreach to seek sponsorship and build a seven-bedroom house for nine orphaned children and their grandparents.
“That is when I learned that I have something to offer, my hands.
“In my 59 years of being alive, I look back and see that the Lord carried me through all those years. No matter how little you have, there is always someone with much less than you. We must be the change we want to see. We as the church are the hands that should bring help and hope to those who need it.”
Wilson’s story is a heart-warming, everyday example of what our Living on the frontline challenge is all about: making a kingdom impact wherever we are.
Do you know someone from our community who is making a kingdom impact where they are? Please give them a shoutout by sharing their story with us. Send us an email at, and let’s empower each other with stories of real people making a real difference in the real world we live in!