You make our continued mission of bringing God’s Kingdom to Hearts, Homes and Beyond possible.
Thank you!

Give online

Online giving is not only easy, it’s also safe and secure — and can be done from anywhere in the world.

Bank details

Hatfield Christian Church

Account name: Hatfield Christian Church
Account number: 011 981 679
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Hatfield
Branch code: 011 545

Faith Promise (MISSIONS)

Account name: Hatfield Christian Church
Account number: 012 588 415
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Hatfield
Branch code: 011 545

Hatfield Children’s Homes

Account name: Hatfield Christian Church
Account number: 032 282 907
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Hatfield
Branch code: 011 545

Other Ways to Give


Simply place your tithe or gift in the offering bag during any of our services. Envelopes are available at Reception for tithing purposes.


To give electronically with the smartphone app, download it and scan the codes below.

Debit Order

Contact our Finance Team for assistance to set up a monthly debit order.

Hatfield Christian Church

Faith Promise

Faith Promise

Give To See Change

Faith Promise is a fund to which our community gives in faith to bring real change across the street and across the globe.