What is Faith Promise?

Faith Promise is a fund to which our Hatfield community gives in faith and is directed towards bringing real change across the street and across the globe. It is Hatfield’s mission fund. Faith Promise was birthed in the late 70s from our church’s calling to share the hope and love of Christ with our city, our country, and the nations of the world, fulfilling our part in the great commission. By giving your Faith Promise, we can make a life-changing impact through our Hatfield Initiatives, Partner Ministries and Missionaries. You can contribute through a monthly contribution or a once-off donation.

Are you ready to make a faith pledge?

Ready to make a faith promise?

NPO Reg. no. 029-910-NPO

Hatfield Christian Church, a registered religious organisation, administers the Faith Promise Fund. Your Faith Promise donation is not tax-deductible.


Thanks to YOU as you pledge to the Faith Promise fund, our Hatfield Initiatives, Partner Ministries, and Missionaries can help thousands of struggling people across the street and across the globe. Find out more about how your money brings change and how you can also GO alongside our Faith Promise team.