Sunday Gatherings
Hatfield is a church for everyone, a place to love God, belong and grow. Attend our Sunday services onSITE or onLINE – we’ve got something for the whole family, from children to seniors.
C4G & Reverb 10:00 | Young Adults 18:00 | Impact Radio 103FM 09:00 & 18:00
Our Leaders
Our senior pastor, Louis Kotzé, leads Hatfield Christian Church supported by four strong leadership teams. Pastor Louis is passionate about discipleship and fulfilling our vision and mission of seeing God’s Kingdom in Hearts, Homes and Beyond.
We are a radically generous community, bringing change in and around our community through giving our resources, time, talents and hope through God’s Word.
Community Groups
We believe that connecting with other Christ-followers gives you the surest opportunity to belong and grow in your relationship with God and others. So, we try our best to connect you to the right group for you — whatever phase of life you’re in!
Events & COURSES
Sundays, from 16 February • 09:00
Neil Bester is presenting a new series on the magnificent letter to the Ephesians. Explore what God has accomplished through the cross of Jesus in uniting His people within the Church, a multi-ethnic community of His followers. Come discover what it means to be the Church of Jesus in an increasingly hostile world and how to live as God’s children.
Saturday, 22 February • 09:00
Hatfield Christian School (HCS) is a vital ministry of our church, and they have an Open Day coming up on Saturday, 22 February, from 09:00. So, we’re calling on all prospective parents and guardians to book a spot via Quicket to see and learn how the school trains leaders to serve nations. Email if you have any questions.
Sign up today!
Are you keen on discovering or improving your musical talent? Then, we invite you to sign up for lessons with the Hatfield Music Academy. Whether you’re still in school or an adult, looking to take vocal lessons or take up a musical instrument, there’s a spot just for you! Click below for more and to sign up, or email with any questions.
Tuesdays, from 25 February • 19:30 • Online
Is your budget getting away from you? The Money Course is a simple, interactive online budgeting course to help you get to grips with your money. Whilst we don’t promise to solve everything, you will receive practical tools to better manage your finances. There’s no cost to you, but please register by 24 February. Email if you have any questions.
Saturday, 1 March • 16:30
Are you a first-year student or in matric? Our Young Adults are hosting an event just for you! Bring a friend (or three 😉) and come ready for live music, a night-market, and real conversations about navigating faith, success, and relationships at university. No sign-up is needed but bring some cash for the market and email with any questions.
Weekend of 28 February-1 March
Are you ready to belong and grow in our community? Sign up for Life Changers – our foundational discipleship course that allows you to become a Hatfield member. You’ll meet some of our pastors on the journey and learn more about our beliefs, values, vision, and mission. Register by Wednesday, 26 February, or email with any questions.
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