Joy to the world! The Lord is come.

Luke 2 v 10. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”
Just a glimpse of this Christmas meal brings warmth and joy to our hearts. Yes, it is that time again when we can somehow smell that Christmas is around the corner. As the Jacaranda trees are whispering that it’s exam time, so too, at the back of our minds we know that Christmas is coming. Luke reminds us of this again in the angel’s special greeting to the shepherds. Christmas is the season in which we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ with joy and celebrations. If it were not for Jesus – the precious gift of life given by our Father -there would be no meaning to this day. The name itself is from a mass service that is held to remember and honour our Saviour and King.

To those who celebrate Christmas with meals and gatherings, we know how special each year is as we make memories to cherish with our loved ones. Malls and shops fill up weeks before Christmas as everyone rushes to buy gifts for their loved ones. As children, we all have memories of the delicious food we were allowed to eat until we could not eat anymore.

But what is the reason for this season? Yes, it is to gather and celebrate the birth of our Saviour but more importantly, it is to welcome yet again this precious gift into our hearts. Jesus is given for us so that we might receive life eternal and yet as He comes into our hearts, He is not like other visitors who come and then leave. Jesus came to stay and live in our hearts and homes forever. May we be reminded that this is a good season to cheer up as we break from our busy lives and transition into a new year.

To those who dread Christmas due to loneliness, please be reminded that Jesus is a friend to all and He is with us always. Do not spend this season alone. Reach out and find family in the body of Christ.

Below are a few things to consider as we plan for Christ’s season.

  • Local church events – attend some local Christian church events to find communion and fellowship, like Carol by Candlelight.
  • Visit local places of interest – there are so many places of interest around us that offer free or affordable venues. Examples are parks, botanical gardens, zoos, museums, theatres, mountain climbing.
  • Connect with family and friends – with various platforms to meet as a group, it has now become easier for us to connect with others near and far from us. Schedule a family zoom meal and share the moment online. Visit someone near you and spend some time chatting. Cake and tea with a neighbour is also a good gesture.
  • Fun event – a lot of carnivals are open where fun is to be had. Put aside some money to spend on different activities and get the children excited.
  • Cook with your children and do something new – try those old recipes and keep the family busy.
  • Join a book club at the local library and share stories or watch a good tv-series with a friend.
  • Plan for the new year and prepare for back to school – our children outgrow their uniforms during this festive season.

We end with a verse in which Christ reminds us not to be afraid but to cheer up and be of good courage. Yes, we are in pandemic times, but the same Jesus came to overcome our difficulties and give us victory.

John 16:33
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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