In the Spotlight • Christian persecution

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” And since the birth of the Church, those who choose to follow Jesus experience many forms of persecution.

Today, Open Doors, an organisation that serves the persecuted Church worldwide, estimates that over 365 million Christians suffer moderate to severe persecution and discrimination for their faith. They recently released their annual World Watch List >>, ranking the top 50 countries where Christians are most severely persecuted for following Jesus.

Our Faith Promise Team invites you to an information session on the persecuted Church presented by Open Doors Southern Africa on Sunday, 18 February, after our morning service. Some of our own missionaries, supported by your Faith Promise giving, serve in these restricted nations that desperately need the light of Jesus. So, come be informed about the challenges some of our brothers and sisters face and the ways that you can stand with them in prayer and action.

Take a moment to RSVP for Sunday, 18 February, by completing this short form >> today.

*Image sourced from Open Doors Southern Africa

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